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How To Grind Coffee? A Look At The Different Types Of Coffee Makers

When you first get your coffee machine, it might seem that it's not too important how to use it. After all, it's just a machine and any "smart person" can use it. However, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, there are a number of different ways to make your coffee and what you choose will depend on what tastes good to you and what your budget allows.

For the most common commercial coffee machine, a fine to medium grind is generally going to be your best bet. Pretty much everything pre-grounds is sold in this range. French presses: For a French pressed, you will most likely be looking for coarse. Usually a very coarse grinder is used. Although some prefer medium grind, I personally don't like it and only grind up what I need for my particular coffee.

If you like instant coffee, or coffee that you brew right after you wake up, then you will be looking at either a burr grinder or a blade grinder. These are considered the "normal" type of coffee maker and what you are probably used to getting from your neighborhood coffee shop. The difference in the types of coffee makers is mainly just the brewing time and the amount of coffee that can be made at one time.

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